Workplace culture at GEMS Japan: Insights with Jerome Hamilton

Explore the landscape of Japan's energy transformation through the lens of ENGIE Energy Marketing Japan K.K. (EEMJ), with Jerome Hamilton.

  • Blog
  • 13/05/2024
image of the post Workplace culture at GEMS Japan: Insights with Jerome Hamilton

Jerome Hamilton is the new Head of Legal at ENGIE Energy Marketing Japan K.K. (EEMJ), part of the global energy giant ENGIE headquartered in Paris. In an interview with JustCo, Jerome describes his role overseeing legal matters for EEMJ, particularly focusing on green solutions like decarbonization initiatives through power purchase agreements and carbon credit trading. With ENGIE committed to accelerating the transition to a carbon-neutral world, Jerome emphasizes the importance of fostering workplace communities and friendships to enhance teamwork and overall job satisfaction.

Here is the interview in English version:

Member at JustCo Gran Tokyo South Tower: Jerome Hamilton, Head of Legal at ENGIE Energy Marketing Japan K.K.

ENGIE Energy Marketing Japan K.K. “EEMJ”.  ENGIE is one of the largest power utilities in the world and is headquartered in Paris. ENGIE’s presence in Japan is through its trading unit, which is called GEMS (for  Global Energy Management & Sales).

My name is Jerome Hamilton, and I am the Head of Legal for EEMJ. I am also in charge of legal on a regional level for what is called green solutions, ie where we help our clients decarbonize through green power purchase agreements or through trading carbon credits etc.

Jerome Hamilton, Head of Legal at ENGIE Energy Marketing Japan K.K.

Power trading business – Together with our 96,000 employees, our customers, partners and stakeholders, ENGIE is committed to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral world, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally friendly solutions. Inspired by our purpose (please see below), we reconcile economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet, building on our key businesses (gas, renewable energy, services) to offer competitive solutions to our customers. I have been working in the energy sector since 2008. I started my career in London and then Paris, before moving to Tokyo in 2010. Since then I have been largely based in Tokyo but I have also spent a few years with ENGIE in Singapore and in Bangkok.

ENGIE’s purpose, as enshrined in its bylaws, is the following: “ENGIE’s purpose (“raison d’être”) is to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally friendly solutions. The purpose brings together the company, its employees, its clients and its shareholders, and reconciles economic performance with a positive impact on people and the planet. ENGIE’s actions are assessed in their entirety and over time.”

My friends/community at work contribute to my overall job satisfaction and productivity? Yes/No.

Yes. Having a work community is essential for me – being close to and friendly with your colleagues means that you will help them even more when they’re in need and vice versa. As we mostly work in teams it is important to foster teamwork this way.

Fostering workplace friendships and community can lead to a more positive company culture.

Yes, Why? After a few years of working mostly from home one realizes that beyond job satisfaction itself, many people crave company. Appreciating time spent with your colleagues is also part of a healthy corporate culture and should be fostered.

One suggestion for fostering/strengthening friendships and community among employees, especially in a hybrid work environment.

Casual get togethers and organizing team events help strengthen the bond between colleagues, especially when the office is new for everyone, as is the case with EEMJ, which has been in existence for a few months only.

You can find the entire newsletter here.

Here is the interview in Japanese version:

JustCoグラントウキョウサウスタワーメンバー:エンジー・エナジー・マーケティング・ジャパン株式会社 法務責任者 – ジェローム ハミルトン

エンジーエナジーマーケティングジャパン株式会社「EEMJ」。 ENGIEは世界最大の電力事業会社の1つで、エンジーグループの本社はパリにあります。 日本においては、GEMS(Global Energy Management & Salesの略)と呼ばれるトレーディング部門の一員として活動しています。

ENGIEの電力取引事業 – 私たちの96,000人の従業員、お客様、パートナー、ステークホルダーと共に、私たちはエネルギー消費の削減やより環境にやさしいソリューションを通じて、カーボンニュートラルの世界への移行を加速することにコミットしています。後に述べる私たちENGIEの活動目的に大きく影響を受けていますが、私たちは経済的な成果と人々や地球へのプラスの影響を調和させ、私たちの主要事業(ガス、再生可能エネルギー、サービス)を基盤に、お客様に競争力のあるソリューションを提供しています。

ENGIEの目的は、その定款に掲げられています: 「ENGIEの目的(raison d’être)は、エネルギー消費の削減とより環境にやさしいソリューションを通じて、カーボンニュートラル経済への移行を加速することに取り組むことです。これにより、企業、従業員、顧客、株主を結びつけ、バランスのとれた経済的なパフォーマンスと人々や地球にプラスの影響を及ぼすことを目指します。ENGIEの行動は、全体および時間の経過とともに総合的に評価されるでしょう。」

職場の友人や自分が属しているコミュニティは、自分の仕事への満足度と生産性の向上に貢献していると思う。 はい/いいえ


職場で友情やコミュニティを育むことは、よりポジティブな企業文化を生み出す可能性があると思う。 はい/いいえ また理由も教えてください。




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